Wednesday, June 3, 2009


On a side note...

I have started watching my niece and nephew. It is only for the save my sister some money on Daycare and to help me out durig the summer since I wouldn't have been working.

My nephew is only 9 weeks old. He is soooo sweet and beautiful! My niece is 5 and will start Kindergarten in the fall. She is so smart and funny!

However, I have been so worn out since I started watching my nephew (niece just started this week). Things seem to be getting busier. After tomorrow my kiddos will also be home.

I have made out a weekly schedule and a daily one. I have also made menus for breakfast, lunch, and snack. I have also planned a daily school lesson to help them retain what they learned from school. Yes, it is the teacher coming out in me...maybe a little of a control issue also...LOL!

Anyway, I forgot what it is like having a baby around. He is complaints, but they are just VERY needy. For that reason...I am very, VERY tired!

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