Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This weekend we are having a party. We are having this party for many graduation, house-warming, and summer fun with friends and family. I am SUPER excited about this party. Why? you might ask. Well...if you have read anything that I have previously posted, you will see that I have a constant struggle with who I am...DUH! that is what this whole blog is about. This party is a joining of all the versions of who I am and who I want to be.

There will be the friends I have known almost my whole life and who know me probably better than I know myself. Then, there will be my "Franklin Friends" who only saw me in the mother/"good Christian woman" role. Next, there is my family...some who know me for me and love me that way (you know who you are :) ) and some family who want to see my flaws and call them out to make themselves better (kiss my ass). Then there is my hubby and "his" friends...they have become my friends too.

SOOOOO, this is kind of a "mix it all together and see what you get" party...that is why I am excited. I am going to be ME! YAY! I am going to have some drinks and food and PAR-TAY with those who love me for me...and if they don' sucks, but then that would mean they didn't love ME to begin with!

However, it is also a little scary as I hope that people will see that I am just me and not think that I was trying to be something at one point in time or another that I'm not. I am just trying to be me!

Hmmmm...this has inspired me to write a "Who I Am" list and see what pops up! Random...I know!

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