Monday, June 15, 2009

Moody Monday!

Now that the weekend is over...reality has come back into play! I woke up in a pissy mood and am feeling VERY sad. I have no idea why!

I know I am not the only one who has those days!?!?

The morning started out slow as my niece and nephew aren't here yet (due to a doctors appt). C is getting her tutoring session right now and A is still chilling in the bed. S is at work (where I am sure he is having a GREAT time *note sarcasm*).

However, while some areas are mind is racing with worry and to dos!

We still own a house where we used to live and my FIL is the one renting it from us...but he hasn't paid us in 2 months *insert excuse as to why is hasn't been paid* needless to say our bank is thinking foreclosure. And the bad part is that he is on a rent-to-own agreement with us for the advice is needed here on all of this. I already called about an eviction and that is the next step, but I hate going through all of this!

Then I worry about what is going to happen next with the house and I have bills that I need to get paid today. So, I guess that is where my moodiness is coming from.

Is it ever okay to just explode sometimes? Cause that is something I feel like I need to do...right about now!

Maybe it will get better as the day goes on...maybe I will hear some good news today...about something...anything!

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