Current mood:blessed
What is on my mind… completely random blog…..:
* I just am at a loss as to how to describe how much God truly loves me. No I am not on a "religious kick"! I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. The idea that I am loved for no reason except He chooses to love me is amazing. It makes me blissfully happy and extremely emotional all at once.
* I also love to worship God. I really do. To sit in church and to sing to Him is amazing. Then when I sing songs about what I want or need him to do in my life…or about the things has already done makes me want to just fall at his feet and cry because I know I will never feel or have a love like that.
Change My Heart, Oh God
Change my heart, Oh God, make it ever true
Change my heart, oh God, may I be like You
You are the potter, I am the clay
Mold me and make me, this is what I pray
I love this song!!!!
* Faith. That is such a pretty and powerful word. I am a religious person who has faith. I truly go to church to learn more about God, the Bible, and how they relate to me.
Why am I saying all of this?
I guess because if look back over the last year a lot IN and around me has changed. First of all, since Shawn and I have been married this is the first time we have gone a full year without a member of our families dying. That is a big deal to me. Tomorrow, however, is relay for life and is always emotional. I am also going into my second year back in college and hopefully by this time next year I will have my associates in Elementary Ed and will be in the TSU Teacher ED program.
We are also gearing up for a family vacation to Massachusetts and we will be with MY whole family for 7 days. To be honest, I think I am most excited to just be getting away from the "norm" of things. I am excited for a change even if it is just for a week. This will also be the first time back to Mass. since my grandfather died in 2005. I don't think I am ready to see him at the cemetery and to think about it brings tears to my eyes. This, however, backs up to my current greatest fear…the declining health of my grandmother. I mean I know that people don't last forever, but that doesn't make the thought and grieving process any easier.
As humans, I think, we all want to fit into some crowd…or at least be around people we think are just like us. I know I do that… Then that leads to making sure you know who you are…that would be the hard part. I recently made some type of list to find out my likes and dislikes as I had never really thought about it before. It looked something like a mix between who I thought I was and someone I didn't really know. That is okay with me…it a search to figure myself out…I guess.
Here is some of it:
I have found out some things about myself. Here are some things I love:
*my faith: my God is so wonderful and I can never dream to imagine the love he has for me.
*Jesus Christ: I can never love him as much as He loves me and that is okay with him.
*my husband: we are so opposite of each other, but it works. I am more in love with him today than I was when we got married. He accepts me when I don't accept myself...Whether I know it or now he knows the real me.
*my children, innocent and beautiful: The bring joy to me when I least expect it...even if I don't show it all of the time.
*my family: the love has not always been unconditional from them, but it has gotten better...I really love them and I hope they know it.
* is my passion. I have never said it like that before. It is the by far the true expression for how I feel.
*children: they are the future and I want to be a part of their future. I want to make an impact where no one else ever has. I love the hugs they give and love they feel from me.
*to praise God
*kisses from my hubby
*hugs and kisses from my kiddos
*to hear my children pray and praise God
*to see someone come to Christ
Here are the things I like:
*christian music
*alternative music
*to dress up
*converse tennis shoes
*video games
*home decorating
*to make other people happy
*to give even when I have nothing left to give
*the beach
*mac and cheese
*black and white pictures
*to feel wanted
*ice cream
*grass between my toes
*flip flops
*funky designs
*kisses in the rain
*true friendship
*having a voice
*being different
*waking up to the smells of early morning
*the list goes on....
Coming up with this list was a long battle within me to overcome stereotypes and fears. Why you might ask? Because for a long time I lived in a world where I did what was expected not what I wanted. Now that isn't true about all things, but a lot of them...
It is amazing to think about the last year and how things have changed or stayed the same. The difference is that I am more content with life, am trying to "go with the flow" more than ever before, and am more myself that ever before. God has helped me get here and He will never leave me. When no one loved me He always did.
I know this is all random (I told you it would be in the beginning). It is just what is on my mind.
How do you do this?? you know how when rains for a few days and suddenly the sun pops through a cloud and it instantly makes you feel better? thats you Racheal, your hope, your optimism, your silver lining, is just a beauty to behold, as I sit in this valley wondering how to get out, I see you sitting at the top and I know I can climb again, I know how much you loved Shelly from all the things you did to help her, so I know my pain is only equal to yours which lets me know I can overcome it, I like that instead of dwelling on her being gone , you think of her as she is, happy in heaven, where theirs no more tears no more pain, youve learned a great lesson, how to move forward, Gods still working on me with this, but he set you in front of me and said , see my child it can be done. Thank you Racheal for taking of Shelly when she was sick, for taking on so much, with so much already on you as a wife and mother, for everyday that you watch over J.B. and help lead him and guide him ultimitely it will be you who influcenes him the most, you are his female role model, who he looks to for comfort and looks to as the standard for his own wife, we labor on earth to build our homes in heaven, I know your mansion will be a sight to behold, by your works on this Earth....
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4 years ago