Monday, June 25, 2012

Where my faith comes from...

I am trying to be a better blogger...I promise.  

Since I became a christian, as an adult, I tried to be active in my church.  When we lived in Franklin, I was very active.  However, since we moved back to Tennessee in Dec. 2008, I have really slacked in that area.  Within the last year, I found a fantastic church and joined it.  BUT, I have failed to become as active I was previously.  I rarely attend Sunday School, went to choir practice ONCE (never been up there during service), attended a couple of Wednesday night exercise classes, and attended a fair event last August.  Other than that, I have been non-involved.  I sign up for classes, then never take them.  I have purchased some of the books that have been the subject of study...I have only really started one of them.

This leads me to my current issue.  I feel like I am missing something in my life...I know it is my church activity.  Part of the reason that I haven't been involved had to do with being busy with work, school, family, etc.  But, if I am being honest with myself, I haven't been active because I have chosen not to be.  I have allowed "other things" to be more important than my church life.  That part stinks for me.  If you knew me when I lived in Franklin, you knew that I was VERY involve in my church and God was of utmost importance...and it showed.  Since moving here, while those close to me know I am a christian, I do not feel that I let Him shine like I should.

What would letting Him shine look like?!  Heck, I don't know, but I don't want people to have to question if I am a Christian...or where I stand.  I want people to instantly know that I am a daughter of the King and that I love Him.  I miss the church fellowship that I had, the closeness with others within the church, the women's groups, choir fellowship, the "comfortableness" when I was there.  I had the same feeling when I walked into my current church as I did when I walked into my old one.  It felt like home...where I was meant to be.  But, I haven't let it show.  

So, I read this bible verse this morning...


Given the recent past on-goings with former friends, this verse made me really think.  A lot has happened, and He has been the truth I have looked to and stood on.  He has helped me to be more me than ever, and I have not let it show.  I fear the Lord, and I want it to show.  

I HAVE to be more involved in my church and quit making excuses as to why I shouldn't go or be more involved.  I hate feeling like I am a "back-burner christian".  And, that is currently what/who I am. I NEVER wanted to be that person...

So, with all of this said...I am revealing to the world that I am and have been a slacker in my Christian walk.  I hate it and I am GOING to make the changes that I have to make.  Call me out when I am not acting as I should...but please do it in a non-judgmental manner...just remind me of this post.

Please know that when I have told you or tell you that I would pray for you, I did/will.  I have never been disconnected in that manner.  Mine is just that I think I have placed my desired church life in the back...not where it needs to be or where I want it to be (in my life).  I have never let go of God or not let Him show...there are just times when I didn't ALLOW Him to show due to my situations.  I ask from all of my friends...wherever you are...please help me to be accountable in my desires.  I know that He gives me strength, but I also know that he places people in my life to help me through things.

Lord, I come to you, as I have in the past, and thank you for all of the many blessings you placed on and in me.  Please forgive me when I have not been as thankful or didn't see the blessings as such.  Today, I ask that you bind my wondering heart to thee, Lord.  I want the world to see You in me and allow You to shine.  I want to be a child of yours that is able to set the world on fire for you.  Help me.  Guide me.  Be my only source of light in a dark world.  Lord, help me to be still to feel and get to know you more.  And, let me be still long enough to hear your desires for me.  Lord, I cannot put into words the way you make me feel, and I thank you for that.  Convict me where and when you see fit.  Help my heart to heal, but break it for what you want me to see.  I love you, Lord.  Thank you for your son.  In Jesus' wonderful name, Amen!    

  I placed the link to my church above, but here it is again.  The Glade Church

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