Friday, December 31, 2010

Resolution Revelation

When it comes to resolutions I really try not to make ones that are going to make me beat myself up over if I don't meet them. They are usually practical everyday goals with a few extras mixed in. For example, last year one of them was to celebrate my 11th wedding anniversary with S and to continually remember why I fell in love with him. Obviously, I knew I would celebrate the anniversary, but I wanted to make sure to remember the joy of falling in love and the celebrate that as well. I also try to break down my resolutions by areas of my life i.e. Physical, school, financial, personal, and family. So this year to make things a little more "real" I putting them "out there". After all if you speak it then it becomes real, right? Here is goes!


*Eat Healthier
*Begin Running (I need to start walking again first)
*Plan for the 2012 1/2 Marathon (this has been a goal for a while, but I haven't put forth the effort)


*Continue on Current Educational Path
*Maintain Grades
*Graduate this Spring
*Decide on future career path/Masters?


*Build Savings
*Pay Down Debt
*No over spending
*Decide on housing situation


*Get deeper in the word of God
*Take better care of self (see physical)
*Be stronger
*create the things I love (I got a sewing machine for Christmas, so I want to begin using it)
*create routines and stick with them


*Celebrate 12th year of marriage with S
*Help kiddos to learn more responsibility
*Spend more time doing fun things...being outside
*Reduce tv time

Running is really my big one this year. I know I will graduate and I do have all the the stuff to think about with my Masters...but running has really been on my mind. I haven't really gotten a plan yet, but I know that I am not going to beat myself up!

The other really big one is the routines. I am a stickler for them, but I always seem to get off track. I need them and I have a plan for this...I just have to do them.

So, here they are and I am hoping that due to the fact that I have put them out there that they will be a reminder that the "world" is watching.

Now that I have posted mine. What are yours? Will you make any?

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