Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas and Year Wrap Up!

Christmas was great! The kiddos racked up and got everything and more they could have asked for...they had lofty gift lists and they got them fulfilled. S and I also had a great Christmas. Plus, we got snow! YAY!!! Unfortunately, on the way to my mom's house on Christmas Day my van lost its transmission (or so I think), and that means car shopping. I am NOT looking forward to this adventure. At least not at the present time.

What else is going on:

*I still have a few things to work out for school in the spring, but other than that I am ready to go... 16 hours here I come!

*We are out of school for another week so I am left with time to complete the aforementioned task and get the house put back together from Christmas.

Year in Review:

While somethings have changed (S got a new job) most everything has stayed the same. However, this new year will bring many changes and new possibilities. I will be graduating. This brings on the prospect of jobs and the area I want to teach, additional schooling, location, etc.

Then there is the deal we have on our current house. See we are in a 3 year lease purchase agreement. This runs out next December. We have to decide if we want to purchase or move on and find something different. My thoughts on that will come in a different post.

And most recently on our minds have been the academic careers of our children. I am obviously pro public school education. C has decided (for the last 5 years or so) that her college dreams are to attend Harvard or Stanford. I am proud that those are her goals and she can reach them academically. However, looking at the fact that she is currently in the 5th grade and what her current options are for future schooling, I am not sure that she has the best possible options available to her. This leads me sort-of back to where I might be teaching as the Metro-Nashville Public School system has some great schooling options for her in the way of academics and arts (the area she would "major" in). If I were to teach in that school system transportation might not be such an issue. It is more finding the right fit for her and then going with it. Private schools are not the way that we are feeling we want to go (for many reasons). A is also doing very well academically, but isn't pushing to go to the private Ivy League colleges like C is...he would rather play sports at a local college. Who knew we would be really discussing this a this point in time...I didn't. Although, it has been the topic of several conversations for the last year or so.

So, as you can see we have a lot of BIG decisions coming up this year that are not going to be easy ones. On top of all of this there is the normal everyday stuff that stresses people out. I am also planning on posting a few "resolutions" that I have been thinking about for the new year. Nothing to stress over, but stuff that I have really thought about.

I hope you have had a great Christmas!!!

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