Saturday, July 18, 2009

Long time...No write!

So...sorry to leave you all for so long. It has seemed that the last few weeks have been really crazy. Here is list of the things that have been happening:

*My hubby and I celebrate our 10 year Anniversary
*I have watched my niece and nephew for the last time
*We have had family and friends over for a get together
*I got accepted into the college I wanted
*Have filled out what seems like 100s of papers for various issues...FMLA, new doctors, school, work, etc.
*Taken care of my grandmother because my mom decided to get sick
*We got a puppy!

The list could go on, but I will stop boring you! :)

So...these things are upcoming:

*I start my new job in less than a week ****EXTREME EXCITEMENT****
*Doctors appointments...maybe he will figure out what is wrong with me...I actually have 2 appointments.
*My hubby and I's Birthdays are just around the corner (we will both be 30)
*My kiddos Birthdays are right around the corner too
*School officially starts August 3rd...where has the summer gone
*Auctioning off our house in Franklin...I really can't wait to be rid of that place!

To officially get this entry started let me stop listing stuff and get to the talking (writing) part of this thing.

With my new job and new school year starting I have a lot that needs to get done. I have to get the kiddos back on a regular schedule (and me too). I have to get all the clothing ready to make sure the kiddos have what they need...Goodwill here I come. I think we are pretty good on the school supplies thanks to Staples and their deals...oh that reminds me...I need to check their add for next week. I also need to get us all haircuts...hmm what should I do? I will maybe post some pics of what I might get done...C wants something new too. Have I mentioned I only have about 4 real days to get all of this done. Oh! and the kids still need new lunch boxes and C needs a new back pack.

I am super excited about my new job! I have met the people that I will be working with and I think this year is going to be great! :) I have all these dreams of what it will be like and I am also super excited that I will be making extra $ to help out with bills, savings, and just to have extra to spend on fun stuff!

I love my life! I have the best hubby and children...although they drive me CRAZY half the time. I am blessed to be doing what I LOVE to do...job wise. The rest of my family isn't too bad either. I have come to have some good friends...either old or new....and some that are trying but almost drive me crazy in the process...but you got to love them too!

We haven't been to Church much this summer....I have been sooooo lazy on that front...shame on me. :) Once school starts the habit will fall back in I know that the kiddos miss it...they have said so.

That is about all for now!

I'm off to find some haircuts I like. Have a good day! :)

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