Sunday, March 10, 2013


Today was the best day I have had in a while...even though I had a migraine.  The weather has been perfect this weekend, so that put me in a spring cleaning mood.  The time change also helped as this is the time change that I love the most.  I had so much energy!!!  I cleaned and cleaned, jumped on the trampoline, woke up before 8, took a nap, cooked dinner, did all of the dishes and cleaned up from dinner, washed all of our dirty clothes (and put them away), cooked breakfast, read my Bible, and got everything ready for work tomorrow.  I cannot believe how much I did today just because I had the energy!  I didn't complain once...never got upset due to having to do the chores,  I even looked at my migraine as a least I am alive and can feel the pain of my migraine!  I did the kiddos chores and didn't complain once because it was just something that needed to be done and I was there.  Plus, I try to do them on the weekends as they do them during the week.

Thank you, God for the many blessing that you have placed on me.  Many realizations have happened this weekend, and you have reaffirmed them with various things.  My devotionals this morning supported everything I have been thinking recently.  It is amazing to know that God is working and affirming things that just run through my mind.

The kiddos are on Spring Break for the next two weeks...I have mine the week they go back to school.

I am heading to bed!  Have a great week!

Love, Me!

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