Friday, December 31, 2010

Resolution Revelation

When it comes to resolutions I really try not to make ones that are going to make me beat myself up over if I don't meet them. They are usually practical everyday goals with a few extras mixed in. For example, last year one of them was to celebrate my 11th wedding anniversary with S and to continually remember why I fell in love with him. Obviously, I knew I would celebrate the anniversary, but I wanted to make sure to remember the joy of falling in love and the celebrate that as well. I also try to break down my resolutions by areas of my life i.e. Physical, school, financial, personal, and family. So this year to make things a little more "real" I putting them "out there". After all if you speak it then it becomes real, right? Here is goes!


*Eat Healthier
*Begin Running (I need to start walking again first)
*Plan for the 2012 1/2 Marathon (this has been a goal for a while, but I haven't put forth the effort)


*Continue on Current Educational Path
*Maintain Grades
*Graduate this Spring
*Decide on future career path/Masters?


*Build Savings
*Pay Down Debt
*No over spending
*Decide on housing situation


*Get deeper in the word of God
*Take better care of self (see physical)
*Be stronger
*create the things I love (I got a sewing machine for Christmas, so I want to begin using it)
*create routines and stick with them


*Celebrate 12th year of marriage with S
*Help kiddos to learn more responsibility
*Spend more time doing fun things...being outside
*Reduce tv time

Running is really my big one this year. I know I will graduate and I do have all the the stuff to think about with my Masters...but running has really been on my mind. I haven't really gotten a plan yet, but I know that I am not going to beat myself up!

The other really big one is the routines. I am a stickler for them, but I always seem to get off track. I need them and I have a plan for this...I just have to do them.

So, here they are and I am hoping that due to the fact that I have put them out there that they will be a reminder that the "world" is watching.

Now that I have posted mine. What are yours? Will you make any?

Faith and Gratitude with Grace

One of the MANY blogs I read is Life In Grace. I stumbled across it a while ago and fell in love. It is totally something that I didn't think I would like as it is far from anything that I am used to; however, I LOVE Edie (the author/mom, teacher, doctor, Christ-follower, wife, homemaker, etc.). She is so real with who she is and that makes me love her more.

Unfortunately, the Tuesday before Christmas their whole life changed...they lost everything in a house fire (everyone is safe and "not one hair was singed"). This broke my heart. See, she had just finished remodeling her kitchen and getting it "perfect" because they had moved into this house last summer. It was beautiful. But, the reason I am writing this isn't to highlight their is to highlight her strength. She is so amazing in her faith. Many times I have read her blog and thought, I wish I had that kind of faith in that situation or She is such a great, strong female. This tragedy that she has encountered has really highlighted how much faith she really has. Her God is forever faithful...even in the midst of a house fire and the loss of everything.
I long to have her faith. It is amazing.

The other beautiful thing that has come out of this tragedy is that the real world and the blog world has really pulled together for this family. Edie wrote that her community provided a Christmas like no other for her family in just a few days time and a house as well. The blog world provided the news so to speak so that people who "know" the family can help as they see fit. On blogger, The Nester, wrote a post devoted to her and created a beautiful video filled with the lovely photos of Edie's home and such off of her blog. The music on the video is the song Gratitude by Nichole Nordeman. It is a beautiful song and is such a sweet sediment to who Edie really is. After Edie had seen the video she wrote a post on her blog about the events that happened leading up to the fire and the days after, and it was perfect depiction of just who she is and how strong her faith is. She and her family are clinging to the faith and promises of God. The story of Job is the lesson just learned about...then a fire? How amazing! I don't know that I would have that kind of faith.

I do know that I am so weak and He is so strong. My faith is very small and while I am not trying to compare, I am also very envious that Edie has true "blind" faith. It is amazing to see. I pray for this family today as I do not know the pain they are going through, but I know that I can pray to a Father that knows why they are going through it AND He can restore it.

If you get a chance, please read this blog. It is an amazing testimony of faith in every sense of the word.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas and Year Wrap Up!

Christmas was great! The kiddos racked up and got everything and more they could have asked for...they had lofty gift lists and they got them fulfilled. S and I also had a great Christmas. Plus, we got snow! YAY!!! Unfortunately, on the way to my mom's house on Christmas Day my van lost its transmission (or so I think), and that means car shopping. I am NOT looking forward to this adventure. At least not at the present time.

What else is going on:

*I still have a few things to work out for school in the spring, but other than that I am ready to go... 16 hours here I come!

*We are out of school for another week so I am left with time to complete the aforementioned task and get the house put back together from Christmas.

Year in Review:

While somethings have changed (S got a new job) most everything has stayed the same. However, this new year will bring many changes and new possibilities. I will be graduating. This brings on the prospect of jobs and the area I want to teach, additional schooling, location, etc.

Then there is the deal we have on our current house. See we are in a 3 year lease purchase agreement. This runs out next December. We have to decide if we want to purchase or move on and find something different. My thoughts on that will come in a different post.

And most recently on our minds have been the academic careers of our children. I am obviously pro public school education. C has decided (for the last 5 years or so) that her college dreams are to attend Harvard or Stanford. I am proud that those are her goals and she can reach them academically. However, looking at the fact that she is currently in the 5th grade and what her current options are for future schooling, I am not sure that she has the best possible options available to her. This leads me sort-of back to where I might be teaching as the Metro-Nashville Public School system has some great schooling options for her in the way of academics and arts (the area she would "major" in). If I were to teach in that school system transportation might not be such an issue. It is more finding the right fit for her and then going with it. Private schools are not the way that we are feeling we want to go (for many reasons). A is also doing very well academically, but isn't pushing to go to the private Ivy League colleges like C is...he would rather play sports at a local college. Who knew we would be really discussing this a this point in time...I didn't. Although, it has been the topic of several conversations for the last year or so.

So, as you can see we have a lot of BIG decisions coming up this year that are not going to be easy ones. On top of all of this there is the normal everyday stuff that stresses people out. I am also planning on posting a few "resolutions" that I have been thinking about for the new year. Nothing to stress over, but stuff that I have really thought about.

I hope you have had a great Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Insomnia....So lets type!

I have insomnia. For probably the 7th or 8th time this year due to meds from my CVS. I usually ALWAYS get it following an episode. IT SUCKS!!! Well, both do, but I hate the med induced insomnia more...I think...because I'm sleepy AND hurting AND nauseated. YUCK!!! BUT, enough about THAT!

I have started several drafts on here when something has really been bothering me, but have never gotten around to publishing them for whatever reason. However, seeing that it has been almost a year since my last post, I should probably put something on here. :)

The biggest thing is school for me right now. I will graduate in MAY!!!...but will still have a class to take in May. BUT, I AM GRADUATING IN MAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!! It has been a lot of work and there has been a lot going on the last few months with school and my classes, but I am hoping to graduate with both degrees (as planned) and with about a 3.85 GPA! (DARN C I got this Summer!)

Now, on to Christmas...I don't think I have ever really asked for anything for Christmas...or ever REALLY wanted anything. I am not a THING person. I mean I like shoes, clothes, purses, etc. but never really enough to ask for it for as a gift. However, something that I am drawn to this year (maybe not as a gift, but just drawn to) is an iPad....WHAT!!! A geeky toy?! Yes, ME! I just want to play with it first...get a feel for it....see what it's like. I think when Shawn gave me his Zune that was a bit of the turning point (although I rarely use it like I want).

Something else I have been thinking about here lately is the idea of just going into a store/mall and shopping...without the thought of what I was spending...wouldn't that be nice? I don't mean anything extravagant, but just a day without the kids (or maybe with C.) maybe with a friend...or sister... just doing whatever. Going from store to store, eating lunch, no agenda, and having a good time. Seems like ages since I have not been racing here and there. Spending $$ on me...not the kiddos...or someone else. I think that is what I would want for Christmas...a day for me...or a Girls day. I say that now...I might change my mind...who knows.

Lets see...what else is on my mind. Not much else, just can't sleep and ready for Christmas break at school. I probably won't post before Christmas, so I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!