Saturday, August 29, 2009


It is really weird to look at the last post and then what I am fixing to write about in this post.

I have been in a slight funk the last few days or so...probably because my head is swimming with EVERYTHING going on/fixing to go on.

Classes started back for me this last week and I have NO CLUE how things are going because I am so confused at the lack of information the professors have provided...just have to get used to the new school I guess. I am taking 13 hours and most of my classes are in the afternoons after work with the exception of one that is online.

S's classes start back today. A's soccer has started back. Soon, C's gymnastics will start. Birthday party invites have started trickling in and ...I can already feel the headache coming on thinking about how busy we are all going to be this fall.

Then, there is the house in Franklin. It sold for $14,000. WTH?!?!?! I know, we have had to just come to terms that we are now in debt on a home that we no longer own....but gets better. so, we talk to the bank and they state, "We have the right to refuse the bid/offer"...but you said that you wanted it it is. We go in next week to talk to them to figure out what to do. Meanwhile, we contact the realtor to let them know what is going on and he states that he needs to contact the buyer because they have ALREADY started working on the house. The bank hasn't even been notified by the realtor about the sale and we haven't signed the Deed yet. Isn't there a closing process that we have to go through? IDK, maybe I am wrong.

On to my next topic, we went to the local fair the other night and had a BLAST. I LOVE to watch the kiddos having such a great time! But, I have a question. Why are there so many girls/women, who are heavier, that flaunt what they shouldn't be flaunting? And why don't I have that much confidence? I am smaller than them and wouldn't be caught DEAD wearing what they wear...or how they wear it. S says that it is because they have a lot of self-confidence, but are they just not seeing what I see...and if that is the case...what am I seeing (when I look in the mirror)? Is it my clothing? my thought processes? WHAT IS IT?

I don't know...these are just the many things running (circles) around in my head.

Have a great day!

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