Sunday, August 30, 2009

Friends and Family

As S and I were getting ready for some friends to come over last night (to watch the UFC fight), we had a brief discussion about our friends. Now, if you have read my blog you would have seen that most of my friends have never really been S's friends. however, I am usually friends with S's friends. Well, for almost 3 years S has talked about these friends from work and before we moved here I had only met 1 of them (and his family). Since moving here we have had almost monthly get togethers with all of the friends and theirs families (which have now become friends) and for the last couple of weekends we have done a weekly thing. I LOVE IT!!! I am such a social person anyways, and then to get to spend time with people that Shawn and I BOTH like is GREAT!!!

So, what brought me to this was a conversation that S and I had last night. He stated, "don't worry about (whatever it was) these are not just our friends but they are our close friends." what made that statement cool is that he never says that about friends...with the exception of a few that he still has contact with from high school....but you don't see them being invited over for parties and such...although one is fighting a war in another country, so I don't think he could make it anyways.

Then, while we were all siting there (I think the guys...or most of them...were in the kitchen or something) the comment got made that these are the people that have become like family. With the exception of Kim (S's sister) and her family *waving at Kim*, S has no other family that he is in contact with.

I think it is great to have friends that you feel comfortable with...people who don't really judge you, but aren't afraid to tell you what is up...only because they care.

Since moving we (S, I, and the kiddos) have made some really great it at work, through friends' families, or at is GREAT having friends that you could also consider "family".

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