Monday, July 9, 2012

Just an over all review

I just updated my Google+ account with some basic info and thought that I needed to share it here. The reason for sharing it here is because it is basically an "about me" update. This is mostly what I wrote on Google+, but I added a few things. This way you can get the gist of me without reading everything... Then you can decide if you want to read more! Enjoy...

I am a busy wife, mom, teacher, student, daughter, sister, Aunt, and friend. I am also a Christian...don't judge me, just get to know me.

I have been married to S for almost 13 years (7/16/99). He is my heart, and I would be completely lost without him! We have fought hard for our marriage, and it is stronger now than ever. We married at 19, and within about 14 months we had 2 kiddos. Needless to say the first few years of our marriage were CRAZY! We would/will both fight till the death to save it or keep it intact. He is my inspiration! He has worked hard to support our family despite many setbacks. While he isn't currently working due to his Bi-polar disease and other mental health/medical issues, he shows me everyday what strength really looks like. I think I am strong in many different times, but S is the picture of strength...even though he doesn't see it. Even on my best day, I am not as strong as him. I love him more because of it. :) Through all of our struggles, we have done nothing but grow stronger...I wouldn't take even one of them back.

We have lost more people in our lives than any one person/couple should have to go through. Neither one of us now has any grandparents left. And, S lost his mom to Ovarian Cancer in 2006. We are currently watching his step-dad slowly decline due to cancer. If you read more of my blog you will find more about these people. On the positive side, S has recently reconnected with his father. This has been a long road, but it is turning out to be a good one.

We have 2 kiddos, A (08/20/1999) and C (09/19/2000). Currently, they are both in Middle School, and A plays on the school soccer team. He would rather play games than do school work, but he very intelligent. C is on the yearbook Committee. She has yet to find a sport that suites her (despite trying many), but she is great at academics. I am very proud of both of them. They drive me crazy, but I wouldn't trade them for the world.

I teach Special Education and will be entering the second half of my first year when school starts in August (2012). They hired me on in Dec. 2011 due to an influx of students. Special Education is my calling, and I absolutely love it. I have been in school since fall 2007 and graduated from Cumberland University in 2011. I will (hopefully) begin pursuing my Master's this fall (2012) with Bethel University. I think I am a one of those people that loves to go to school...weird, I know. I have 2 degrees...both Bachelors, Special Education k-12 and Elementary Education k-6. I also have a minor in Psychology. I have never considered going to school past my Master's, but I like the thought of being in school, so we will see. I have NO desire to be an in principal, but I could see myself in an administrative role by teaching/helping other teachers to handle students with disabilities. It is something I am very passionate about. All teachers should know what steps to take to make EVERY student successful in their classroom.

I am the oldest of 3 girls, and we are all 4 years apart. My sisters are Jo and S (TT) TT is a nickname provided by A when he was little and couldn't say her real name. It just stuck... and everyone calls her that. I am the proud Aunt of a niece (Madison, 8) and nephew (Boston, 3)...yes...they are both named after places. :) They are both Jo's kiddos. I can't wait for S to have kiddos...FUN!

I like or things to be organized; however, if something become "too messy," per my standards, I will become anxious and either go overboard to fix it or i will avoid it all the way. I love home design and changing rooms around. I have grand ideas, but rarely follow through. I usually start them then get side-tracked. I think I have ADD/ADHD. If you know me, you know how RANDOM I can be.

I am also trying to be more health conscious. I am losing weight, and on my way down to my goal weight (135 lbs). I have already lost about 20 lbs. depending on the time of day I weigh. We all know that our weight changes 3-5 lbs throughout the day. That is huge for me as I have NEVER stuck to anything like this before in my life. I am one of those people that stops if something goes wrong or "restarts" on the next day, week, month, etc. For me, I LOVE that I am losing weight, but I just really want to be healthier and more toned. I do love that my clothes are fitting better and that I am going down in size. I am eating smaller portions and healthier stuff, most of the time. But now, I need to get moving! I started this journey and was walk/running a 2 mile loop in my neighborhood. Then, I would run out of daylight or not have enough in the mornings before work, make excuses that I was too tired/ had to much to do/or it got too hot. Yesterday I made a commitment/challenge to myself to do 30 days of exercising. This means 30 minutes for 30 days. It could be any kind of exercise, but it had to get my heart rate up consistently. I need to be held accountable to this so I have asked my FB peeps to help me with this. You are more than welcome to do the same thing. I just ask for no judgement...just a random "did you happen to do your exercise today?" or "what type of exercise did you try out today?" Since I am currently on Summer Break, (only 16 more days until I am "officially back i the classroom) I tend to be a hermit. Please ask me to come walk with you or run...or whatever to get me going.

I am a Christian. This is greatest relationship I have in my life...and that says a lot. I have been saved and Baptized twice. If you want to know why, just email me and I will tell you. My walk with God is my own. I try not to judge others, as I don't want them to judge me, but I fail daily. God loves me anyway. I am constantly seeking to find answers...some in the right places and some in the wrong. He will lead me to where He wants me...I just have to be open and listen. I love my church, but again...I am not that involved in it, not like I want to be. And here comes that "A" word again...Accountability. I am asking that you help me. Just like I said above...please don't judge...just ask if I am doing anything today to strengthen that relationship. I am up for suggestions. Once school starts back I know that church activities will pick back up. They have plenty of women's study groups and even fitness groups. The fitness groups range from daily Karate, exercise, walking, etc. I love the choir, so maybe I will step-up in that area.

Lastly, I have the greatest people in my all areas. I have the best family (even if I don't show it all the time), co-workers (they are always there to help me where and when needed, and they do the same with me), and the greatest couldn't ask for better (old and new). I have friends that have become family and family that have become friends...who could ask for anything more?! I have friends that have been my friend since before school started (Kindergarten) and friends that I have only known for a couple of years. All mean something very special to me, and I know that those in my life are there for a reason. I would NEVER give up what I have with these people. My very best friends are people who I don't know how I lived this long without. If you read a year or so back you will see that I thought, then, that I had the greatest friends...some of that has changed, but that is life. Time will heal wounds, as will God. I just have to be patient and open to listen. Family is family...usually, but I have some family that I truly consider friends...good friends...great friends...even best friends. They have been the shoulder that I cried on when I didn't want to share all that was going on with my "friends" due to fear of judgment of me or S. Now, having the best friends like I do, I know that they are friends in every sense of the words and would never judge me. I can count a handful of those people that I fully trust, and know they wouldn't love/think of me any less. Many of my friends I don't talk to on a daily basis, but I could pick up the phone and know they would be there, if I needed them. Until writing this, I didn't see the full spectrum of friends that I have. While they may all be varying "degrees" (in when or how often I talk to/see them) of friends, I know they are friends...real friends. God has really blessed me in that area! I am so thankful. I have learned through recent happenings that true friendship is something hard to find and should be cherished!

I hope you feel like you know me a little better now! If you want to read more about me, feel free to do so...I am not an avid blogger (but I am getting better), so posts are staggered over time. If you have questions, please ask. I am a private person about certain things (as we all are), but I will be as open and honest as I can be depending on the question.

Much love!


P.S.-After this post I am going to start calling S-Babe, A- butt-head, and C-pooh. If you know them, you will know why. :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Most people are celebrating today... however, I am sad. Parts of my family left today to go to Massachusetts to bury my Mema on Saturday. She died in January, but she had to wait to be buried until the ground thawed. She was cremated and has sat in this house since then.

We stayed here for many reasons, but I didn't think I would be emotional today when everyone left...I am. I figured Saturday would be hard for me. I hope this isn't how the rest of the week is going to be.

My Mema was a great woman and the last of my grandparents alive. Her loss brought many emotions as my Papa (her husband) was like a father to me. He died suddenly in Nov. 2005 from a stroke.

We will be spending the day with other family, but I dreamed about her last night...and I am sad...sort of regretting not going to Mass.

Mema with me and my sisters. Dec. 2011

Mema and I

Mema with her girls and grandbabies

Mema with her girls (me, my sisters, and my mom)

Me and my Papa at my wedding July 1999.

I love and miss them both so much!!!!

Weight struggles

I don't have much time to go into my whole weight issues...but until I a few years after I had kiddos I was between a size 2-4. I crept up to a 6...then an 8...and finally got up to a 12-14. Of course, sizing depends on the brand, but this is where I was.

Last year, I decided I didn't like where I was sitting in size and weight. I joined WW and did good for a couple of weeks...then the new wore happened and it fell to the side. I continued to put on a little her and there. Plus, I was not really active...just at work.

This year (3 months ago) I decided that I wanted to lose and again joined WW. I have lost 17 lbs. However, now my WW subscription in over. I am doing good in the eating area, but not in the exercising. I am continuing to lose and have a reasonable goal for my height. I have joined myfitnesspal to help me. on the side you will find my tracker. I ask that you help to keep me accountable. :)


I will also go into this topic a little more deeply when I have more time.