Sunday, September 1, 2013

What's up?!

It has been a while, and a lot has happened with me personally, internally.  I am dealing with it...and making my own way.  But, a little progress is still progress.  I am working on various areas that only I can work on.  I have come to realize that I cannot change certain situations and can only make other situation better by my choices/decisions.  I type this today as this is what I feel today...I know this always...but may not always feel that the situation allows me to feel that way.  Confusing probably.

The areas that I am working are everything from my work to my weight...  self confidence, eating, personal appearance, happiness, spiritual life, being more true to what I need/want/who I am/etc., friendships, being real, etc.  I have just come to realize that in order for me to have any kind of happiness I have to find it...even in the little things.  Most recently, I am finding my happiness in my attire (wearing things that make me feel good or represent things I ball teams, skulls, patterns, etc.), watching football, or just taking more of a leadership role at work.  By finding that happiness I am also feeling more confident!  Which, in turn, leads to more happiness.

As for my body/self-confidence/weight/etc:  this has been an area I have struggled with for many years of my life.  There is a part of it that I don't talk about much to many people...that area has gotten worse in the last few months.  HOWEVER, I am working on it.  It had gotten worse as my depression got worse.  I have been running/walking more.  This one act has lead to body changes that have lead to a better self image.  I like that.  :)  I also joined WW...although I am not following it like I should...again, it goes with the area I have struggled with previously.  I don't like the points that are allowed for the day.  Food is not my friend right now...  But, I am working on it!  If I have shared this with you, you know what I am talking about.  If not, please don't ask.  I will share more as I feel comfortable.  

One of the areas that I have created the most distance in is with my spiritual life.  Not that I no longer believe in God or anything close to that...just that I am struggling the most with Him right now.  I do not need any comments on this.  If you want to pray about it...please do.  I know where I need to be...what need to do.  And, I also know that He is there/here with me.  He knows what I am struggling with.  He lets me know and see Him.  I am just not in a place where I want to "speak" to Him right now.  I am angry about many things in my life that I don't understand.  I don't feel that I have to explain them to anyone...but I am just putting it out there.  I have chosen not to step foot in my church or opened my Bible in quite some time.  

I love being a mom and wife...but my kiddos are older now, and I cannot let that be all that defines me.  That is a hard reality when that is what has basically defined you for nearly 15 years.

Something I have had to come to grips with is that fact that I am who I am...all of me.  I am not going to share all of me with everyone...layers, people.  BUT, know that what I say it truth.  If I share is me.  If I trust you enough to share it...know that I am letting you are a part of me.

Since I was on here last, Summer Break has come and gone and school has started back.  I have taken some of my Praxis Tests and passed with flying colors...more to come though. S has spent some more time in the hospital, but attempting to make progress with med changes and such.  C is now in 8th grade and cheer is in full swing.  A is in high school and all that it entails...and he just had a birthday (14)!  The next 2 weeks will finish out the rest of our birthdays.

Oh...and we got a dog.  Yeah, what were we  But, we love him!!!  We rescued him.  His name is Kato!  The thought is that he would be great for S...but he is a puppy and all that goes with that.

All of this is totally random and pieced together...if you have stayed to read all of this, thanks!!!

Much love!


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