I have a lot to prepare for if that is something that I do, plus I have to finish my Praxis tests.
I got to looking at my resolutions from the previous post and I am not doing so well. :( I do not think I have complete or even begun any of them. That is in a way what brought me to the blog today. Due to everything that has gone on in my house in the last six months, I have gotten away from me and peace. I have really fallen away from some really important things that have previously helped me in troubling times. I have to find that again. Thus, the reason i got to looking at my resolutions.
This weekend we are going camping with some of our closest/best friends. I am also hoping that this will be a bit of a jump start for me in relaxation, peace, and finding me again. We are going to be on the lake and I know the beauty of God will be seen...I just want to slow down and take it all in.
Something else I am doing is trying to simplify my life and house. This means removing obstacles and clearing a free path to life. I am not a clutter person anyways, but I live with a couple. :) This will include getting everything out of our lives that is keeping us from being the best us. I know when fall rolls around and school begins I will be (hopefully) busy with a new classroom. Simplifying has to be a mindset and physical process.