Thursday, March 6, 2008


I am not good at sharing my feelings/ thoughts. I live in a constant fear of being judged. This is probably because for myself I never thought that I have lived up to whatever expectation that has been set out for me. For example, I remember being in High School and my father asks me what I want to go to college for, I replied a lawyer. He says, you aren't smart enough. So...there went that idea. Growing up I had 3 things that I wanted to choose to be. 1.) Teacher 2.) Nurse 3.) Lawyer I am just now going back to school to be a teacher. With me subbing this year I have gotten a really good idea of what being in a classroom will be like. I am excited about it. However, I am really ready to do it now and not have to wait to finish school. All of the formalities stink!

Back to the judgement thing. Because I live in constant fear of being judged I do two things. The first is I make sure that I don't judge others. I truly do really try and like everyone. Who you used to be doesn't mean that is who you are now. I also think that "judging a book by it's cover" is wrong. I go to a very conservative church and I walked in one Sunday with JET BLACK hair. (I am normally a blonde.) The gasps I heard from across the room really startled me. Also, it was like people thought that I was someone different (worse) than they perceived me to be. The second thing I do because of the fear I live in is I try to be the person I think they think I am. What sense does that make? Over the last few months, maybe even a year I have really tried to not do that...sometimes it is just second nature.

I guess the thoughts that go through my head is...

What if I am not who they think I am...will they still like me?

What if they know the real me?

Will they think I am unintelligent?

What if they knew my past...would it matter?

I don't think I am fraud or a fake, but I do think that I am more worried about pleasing others than I am pleasing myself. There is really only one time in public that I am truly me...all of me. When I am praising God. I don't care who is around or what they think of me. It is between me and God. Why can't I think that way all of the time? Why does everyone else matter? Why do I make them so important?

I have become more myself by not hiding me, but then it seems as though I get knocked down as soon as I reveal some of me. I then just think...well if I didn't want to hear what they had to say then why did I say it out loud?

Sitting here reading all of this I had a bit of a revelation. I am afraid of failure! I am afraid of not being good enough. I am afraid I am going to let down my husband and children. I am afraid I am going to let myself down. I am afraid of failing as a wife and mother. I need confidence. It is kind of funny that I said that because I had a friend of mine tell me that not to long ago...she was talking about me singing, but I am talking about my life in general. Also, because I am a passive person I think that people who have aggressive personalities smell my fear and can't wait to knock me down a few steps, and I think people with a similar personality as me might see me a weak.

I used to be (as a teen) fun and independent. Of course being married I am very dependent on my husband, but I am not seeing myself as a very independent person anymore. I also used to be a fighter and I guess about some things I still am. I thought I was strong...not so much now. Maybe my problem is self talk. There is a lady at my church that says the worst thing you can have is negative self talk. I would agree, but how do you change that?

I know this post is all over the place, but it is just some random thoughts that are flowing through my mind. The next posts will be more subjective.
The picture is a representation of one of the layers covering me falling off. I hope I get to the real me soon. I have to remember that He sees the real me, broken from within hiding is my skin. He will unveil me if I let him! (Words taken from Natalie Grant, The Real Me)
As I go to sleep tonight I will pray that all who read this will be blessed in more ways than they can imagine. Lord, I pray tonight that you will heal the sick and wounded. I pray that you will reveal yourself to those who don't know you. Father, be with those who are struggling. All of these things I ask in my Saviors name. AMEN!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Ramblings...the beginning of self knowledge

Have you ever felt like the life you were living was just a cover-up or maybe not a cover-up but just an outer layer preventing you from finding out who your really are? Well, maybe I am the only one, but I have really been trying to make some sense of the things that go on around me. I am not talking about my faith here but just trying to find a sense of belonging on a daily basis with those I interact with.

Let me give you a little of my back ground...or at least who I am now. I am a late 20 something happily married mom of 2 kiddos. I am a Christian and an very strong in my faith and in the God I serve. I am currently working in the school system where I live and an in college (for the second time) to get my degree in education. Up until recently felt like I had a very tight group of ladies that I was 100 % close with. The problem is that I am a bit of a talker and have never really been shy about my thought, but lately I have really started being more of an observer. I have started shutting myself off to several of those people...the thought is that if they were true friends then they will always be there...after several months of this behavior on my part I have found that it seems I was the "glue" to the relationship and when I stopped calling them I never heard from them. That makes me even more shut off because I then start to wonder what I am doing wrong.

My whole life I had always been told I was one of the "total package" people...Not that I am glad of that fact, but being in that classification always made me feel like I would always have "close friends". What I mean by the "total package" person is that I am not stupid, can carry on a great conversation and hold my own, I am not bad looking, I am outgoing, and am not afraid to speak my mind, but am always respectful (or at least try to be as best as possible), I have never met a stranger and I am always willing to help someone out when needed...even if I have never met them before. I am not "partier", I am more of a homebody, I love my family, I am a lover not a fighter, but I am a fighter in life, I am devoted...if you make it into my circle I will always be your friend...I have also lived a lot of life in my short years. (I will go into that at a later date.)

I have found out some things about myself. Here are some things I love:

  • my faith: my God is so wonderful and I can never dream to imagine the love he has for me.
  • Jesus Christ: I can never love him as much as He loves me and that is okay with him.
  • my husband: we are so opposite of each other, but it works. I am more in love with him today than I was when we got married. He accepts me when I don't accept myself..whether I know it or now he knows the real me.
  • my children, innocent and beautiful: The bring joy to me when I least expect it...even if I don't show it all of the time.
  • my family: the love has not always been unconditional from them, but it has gotten better...I really love them and I hope they know it.
  • is my passion. I have never said it like that before. It is the by far the true expression for how I feel.
  • children: they are the future and I want to be a part of their future. I want to make an impact where no one else ever has. I love the hugs they give and love they feel from me.
  • to praise God
  • kisses from my hubby
  • hugs and kisses from my kiddos
  • to hear my children pray and praise God
  • to see someone come to Christ
Here are the things I like:
  • softball
  • dancing
  • singing
  • christian music
  • alternative music
  • to dress up
  • converse tennis shoes
  • snow
  • video games
  • home decorating
  • to make other people happy
  • to give even when I have nothing left to give
  • the beach
  • school
  • pizza
  • mac and cheese
  • black and white pictures
  • to feel wanted
  • ice cream
  • fireworks
  • grass between my toes
  • camping
  • smores
  • fall
  • the list goes on....
There aren't very many things I hate...
  • not knowing who I am...
Like I said I am just trying to find where I I the evolved person of who I was when I was younger? Am I fake and has who I have been my whole life, been a lie? Was I trying to just be pleaser and in the process the things that make me, me are things that I did only to please others? How do I find out? These are the questions that I am trying to find my answers to. This blog is for me to log my ideas and thoughts about my life and how my faith in myself and God plays into those thoughts and ideas.