Monday, October 15, 2012

National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day

Today marks a day that causes a lot of people massive amounts of pain on a daily basis.  

Please, remember those who have suffered a loss such as this...many times they will be suffering in silence as this topic is still a very taboo topic to discuss.  

Ignoring...building walls

I have come to my page several times to type the on-goings in my life, but (as you can see) I haven't done so.  This is mostly due to wanting to ignore what is going on AND not knowing exactly what to, sometimes I wish I hadn't decided to make it a public blog (as in, known to others that this is mine).  Sometimes, I feel like I can't post what I want to post on here for various reasons.  I don't ever want to hurt anyone, so when I am frustrated or mad, I don't want to put it out HERE...or when I am struggling at work...or home...or in life...EVERYONE I know can see it.  I know many of you may be saying, "DUH, isn't that the point of a blog."  Yes, it is, but I am not comfortable making ALL of that public...  Thus, I have been ignoring my blog.  I have been building walls...for many reasons.

I will try to catch you up to some degree...

  • School is back in...Teaching-wise and we are on Fall Break, right now
  • School is back in...Practicum-wise...hopefully, after December I will be a fully licensed teacher (if I can get all my Praxis tests done).
  • School is back in...Master's Program-wise...or at least it was...I start back October 28th...long story, but I dropped my first class and will pick it back up then.
  • School is back in...for the kiddos.  They have been on Fall Break, but started back today.
  • Medical...I am really struggling with my migraines, currently.  I am going on day 3 of a Migraine, but this weekend was by far the worst they have been in YEARS.  There would have been no way I could have gone to work with them.
  • Medical...Shawn is really struggling with his mental health stuff...Mental Health SUCKS and so do the systems surrounding it.  I don't think anyone ever really knows what to do or how to help...
  • On the homefront...we are still with my parents at my grandmother's home.  It is really the best for us, currently.
  • God...I am struggling...and angry, right now (due to somethings above).  This is keeping me from things I love and from Him.
  • Politics...I have my will not change, but I am SO ready for the election to be over due to all the drama and bashing (on both sides)
  • Family...things are ok.  Nothing major, just everyday life.
  • Me...if you have been following me, at all, on FB then you know things have been a little crazy.  That is just the very tip of the iceberg.  If you want to know more, just ask.  I may or may not let you know at the just depends on my mood.   
Those are a few bullet points to keep me on track (now and if I ever go into detail).

I am SO ready for fall...maybe it will help me to feel like things are changing in a positive direction since it is my favorite season!

I hope everyone is doing well!